Pretty Good! I would say you should work on practicing the curving of your lines. Like you said: "too sketchy". Though I think using"sketchy is a bit vague here, we have to narrow it down a bit. The length of your lines are good but they're too straight, and because their too straight, you tend to go over them over and over again (because things in the real world aren't made of straight lines) which cause this 'sketchiness'. So yeah, just practice drawing really curved lines that are curved at various degrees. You can practice drawing really curvy lines, or slightly curvy lines, and try them all from different angles so your arm gets used to it. If you keep on working on that, now you have a larger variety of lines to choose from when you sketch which can limit sketchiness and give you more confident lines. Try to keep in mind how many times you're going over a line you've already drawn. The less you lift your pencil off the paper the better. Maybe even try some pen sketches too in order to limit your "sketchiness".
Good Luck (sorry if I was a bit confusing)!