Messages du forum par Marchlight

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  • #26962

    Thank you for your thoughtful comments! I especially like what you said about trying a variety of warm-up exercises. Doing dots and connecting them with a straight line sounds awesome, and I'll try looking up other ones to find the ones that work best for me.


    Thank you so much! That's a great idea about using a timer for my warm-ups. I will pay attention while I'm drawing and work on using my whole shoulder and arm like you suggested. And that link is really fascinating! I love how it even mentions “Perfect practice makes perfect” haha. So important to be mindful in our practice.

    I really appreciate you taking the time to give detailed and helpful information!


    Hello everyone,

    I am a beginner artist and would love some critiques to help me improve. I used to dabble in digital painting when I was much younger (ie. drawing my Neopets back in the early 2000's haha) but I'm just getting back into drawing. I want to start working on my fundamental skills and gesture drawing in particular. I love the quote “Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.” I want to work on the right things rather than practicing the wrong thing over and over again, so I need your wonderful eyes to help me!

    The link below has my 10 minute sketches done using my wacom tablet, as well as one 30-minute class of sketches on paper. For various time and privacy reasons it's often easier to work digitally, but that will change in a couple weeks and I'll be able to do much more pencil work since I know that's important. I also know I need to get better at using long lines instead of smaller sketchy ones, but right now I don't have the muscle control to get nice clean lines. I warm up every day by drawing a bunch of circles, loops, and waves - any other suggestions to get better control?

    Hope this link works and thanks so much for your feedback!