Messages du forum par Raphhh

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  • #27052
    Hi Qbicc,

    In all honesty I think your 30 seconds and 1min drawings are not helping you to learn. You're not taking as much as you could from the reference. Of course if you draw without the skeleton and more with the strong lines of the pose and the forms of the bodyparts, your proportions will be off at first. But it's normal to have bad proportions when you're starting gesture drawing ! As said Marykathryn, the main ingredient is practice. And the second main ingredient for me is understanding : where the pelvis or ribs sit, where are the joints...That's what you started doing with the boxes, which is good :) Please dont be afraid of drawing strong lines with the 30 sec and 1 min, to have your eyes going back and forth a lot between the ref and your drawing (you should not look your drawing for too long without looking at the ref, because if you do that you're using your brain to complete the drawing, and not your eyes and the reference. I don't know if thats very clear)

    I also suggest using paper and a tool that allows more variation of your line. And also don't hesitate to make your drawings relatively big (i mean, just dont do tiny tiny drawings).
    I absolutely love your first 5min she looks so chill haha

    From what i see on the 10min, you can reproduce the line/contour of your reference really well. You seem to have a good eye for that ! but what lacks in my opinion especially to the short timed drawings is the understanding of volumes. i think that if you use body lines (shoulders, center, legs) as Papa Koshka suggested, and see the muscles as forms and not only contours, you'll feel more confortable with the 1min drawings. and it'll help you for the longer as well :)
    Hi Legacy55,

    I like your 1 min sketches. I think they're really dynamic !

    My advice for the 10 min would be : don't focus on the face first. From your drawings i feel like it's distracting you from the rest. One piece of advice i've been given is that, when you're drawing a 10min, you should keep the quick flow that you had with the 1min, with your eyes going back and forth a lot. The difference between 1min and 10min is just that you have more time to draw the details afterwards ;) but don't draw any details before having the general figures. Then, focus on the contour, how the muscles show, etc. And then if you have time you can draw the hands and face.