Morgan Want

École: School of Self Learning Où dans le monde: Los Angelese CA , US

À propos de Morgan Want

Hello! My name is Morgan and I'm getting reacquainted with the fundamentals of drawing, but don't let that fool you, I've been at this a long time and my choice of medium is EVERYTHING, from pencil to paint, to clay, to thermal plastics and fabrics. I am enamored with conceptual art and live in Los Angeles and have high hopes of placing myself within the entertainment industry. Never stop learning, practicing and don't let fear push back your horizon lines.

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réalisations de Morgan Want's

cours de 30 minutes achievement badge
cours de 1 d'heures achievement badge
Premier message sur le forum achievement badge
Crayon à papier achievement badge
Tutoriel terminé achievement badge
2 total d'heures de pratique achievement badge
1 total d'heures de pratique achievement badge
5 total d'heures de pratique achievement badge
Demandé une critique achievement badge

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