Messages du forum par Lal5238620215

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  • #27905
    you might need to study something about

    1.human body proportion>then start to understand anatomy


    There is some information about these in the link.

    In the same time, try not to use h pencil to draw cuz it's really hard to read. 2b is fine.

    Practicing to start your line with straight but curve line, if it's a curve line, separate it to 3-4 straight line, cuz curve line is always harder to control than straight line.

    Your drawing seems to me that you probably want to focus more on build the right shape for the figure. Don't try to read the detail. Read more about the big shape.

    hope these suggestions work for you! Keep practicing!
    I like your drawing and I think your gesture is pretty nice.I noticed that your drawing is from the pencil tip most, which I guess you using the wrist more to finish your drawing. Try to practice using elbow and shoulder, it might improve your line quality.
    Hi dear, this is my 90 min in class figure drawing.

    I got some issue to control the line and not pretty sure what should I work for.

    Please give me some suggestions. Thank you a lot!!!
    Hi, I think you do take time to study the anatomy, this is what I read from your long pose drawing. This is nice! In the same time, you can try to improve the difference between dollar line and penny line, which will make your drawing more impressive.

    For the quick drawing part, if you are not confident enough to have a curve line, try to separate one curve line to 3-4 straight line. And the quick drawing is more about the rhythm but the details, so try not to think the outline shape but take more gesture inside.

    Hope my little suggestion could bring you some idea.

    Keep practicing. 😃