Messages du forum par Pencilpai

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  • #28771

    Hey! First off, welcome to figure drawing, I hope you enjoy it! Here are two tips that could possibly help?

    - quantity > quality, don't linger on making each individual drawing look nice. Especially with faster figure drawings, just focus on getting the figure on the page even if it doesn't look great. The more practice you put in, the better you become. I struggle with perfectionism so one thing that helped was drawing on cheap newsprint with some sort of vine charcoal, or drawing on a whiteboard. If the drawing doesn't look good, it's super easy to just wipe away and start again!

    - contour drawings/ silhouettes practices. Focusing on the form of the figure might help it seem more flowy and dynamic. These are fun to do with quick 10 s / 30 s poses, and just help loosen up. The box method would be great on longer poses so you can really study the proportions.

    Hope this helps :)