Messages du forum par pandaladie

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  • #1261

    It's good that you are doing this : ) honestly what you need is just more of it, this is kind of what my stuff used to look like too. I think you aught to try to give yourself even less time to get the figures down, I can see you make lines with much movement in them already and thats good, but there is also some chickenscratching going on. Too many lines with not enough flow.

    When doing gesture its good to use as few lines as possible to capture the pose you are trying to do, exaggerating the pose might help to, as long as you capture the "spirit" of it you can bend some things more than they actually do to emphasize that. did a little redraw, mostly your poses are fine, just ened to work on not making so many lines : ) that comes when you practise a lot.

    I made a stick figure also, thats the kind of stickfigure you can draw to help simplify the pose, if you have to get a pose down quick its useful to only have to make the important parts.

    I tried to show what I meant by exaggerating the pose too : ) hope this helps.

    ps. some videos from this guy might help you also:


    When I look at these I feel like you are "chicken scratching" which means, drawing very short lines to amount to one long line. And these kinds of lines often look very wobbly, not very flowy, and the energy of the pose leaks out from them. What you can practise is doing the poses wiht as few lines as possible, Maybe give yourself even less time than you have before, to force yourself to make stickfigures and capture JUST the pose and no needles details.

    The point of gesture drawing isn't to perfectly capture the model, it's to capture how theyre posed, its a good thing to exaggerate, you learn a lot by just experimenting with exaggeration.

    here are some examples of what I mean

    Keep practising and you'll get there : ) just think about your lines more
    heres a guy with more tips:

    hope it helps : D


    You really know how to capture a pose, I think this looks great, you are better than me haha. I think if you wanted you could start experimenting, like exagerating certain features of the model more, overexaggerate the whole pose and just play with it and see what kind of interesting things come out of it.

    See how much motion and fluidness you can push into one pose in short time, and with the least amount of lines : )

    keep trucking!


    Hello : ) I can see on your previous stuff that you've drawn from life, and thats good. But it seems to cause stiffness in drawings when you use your imagination. You are already on the right path really, keep doing gesture drawings on here. If you give yourself a short amount of time to get a pose down you'll use fewer lines to get the gesture, and get more fluid : )

    I suggest you do it everyday or at least a few times a week, it doesnt have to be hourlong sessions, you can do the half an hour class if you want. Just try and experiment and see what makes poses feel alive and fluid. Don't focus on how the model actually looks, only what the "energy" of the pose is.

    Draw draw everyday, and for you, I think drawing from your imagination to train that part of you up is a good idea, cos from your studies I can see you are good at capturing what is in front of you, the next hard bit is implementing it in your art : ) this guy:
    has tons of videos explaining things : )

    hope this helps : D
