Gestures 26 10 22 (P.1)
© 2022 Tonovz
Done as part of a 30 minute class.
My current goal is: Reduce stiffness and make my drawings feel more dynamic, energetic, fluid
Jrearley (unregistered visitor)
I wish I could give your constructive critique but all I can do is admire your progress. I am a beginner myself and see how you have improved as you have gone along.
Oww thank you so much for your words Jrearley!
The only way to become a master is to keep practicing don't give up!
The only way to become a master is to keep practicing don't give up!
maybe you could emphasise some of the curves by making them in one line instead of a bunch of small lines that break up the continuity of the motion
You nailed your right most figure, well done. I think they all can look like that.