2 mins just gesture

by Naima, April 12th 2023 © 2023 Naima
Trying to captuer gestures, but still stiff
Polyvios Animations
Greatest job on your hand flow in your poses and gestures, but you're right, they all don't look to flowing yet, but how would you like to loosen up and liven up your flowing lines of action with 2 more hours of 27 second hand gestures, using only our custom timer? (7200/27=roughly 267 hand poses) As a result, you'll hope to achieve three things: 1) To get the strongest mark making. 2) To make your flow largest and longest in your gestures and poses. And 3) to make your gestures have most of the vitality and most of the same energy. For most info, please look into this:


This is from Love Life Drawing, but I haven't seen through this yet, furthermore, it's all about simplifying complicated forms. Take this with all the grains of salt.
I really like the you tube skill s guide, thanx a lot and I'm reading Daniel Coyle's book, it fun. Makes me happy to ger all those useful help
Try to capture alot quick basic forms and get comfortable with it
hi Naima,

These are great! My advice to you is don't be afraid to really exagerrate the actual pose to practice fluidity and movement in your sketches. That's what practice is for! I think focusing less on shadows and details and more on the pose and energy will help you achieve your goal. Poly has a good idea there - try doing quick sketches of many different gestures to work on this. Looking good!
Blue Bloom
I think the gesture's quite ok, just the line quality that needs more working on.

