今天,我們有一組由 Jorge Z 拍攝的 17 張極其優雅的照片,所有這些照片都是使用健身球拍攝的,以擺出獨特的姿勢。
所有 LoA 學生均可立即使用這些內容。只需使用圖形研究工具並開始練習即可。 :)
今天,我們有一組由 Jorge Z 拍攝的 17 張極其優雅的照片,所有這些照片都是使用健身球拍攝的,以擺出獨特的姿勢。
所有 LoA 學生均可立即使用這些內容。只需使用圖形研究工具並開始練習即可。 :)
I ran into one of these new photos on a practice and was so delighted! The pose was wonderfully dynamic and gave me a great sketch. Thank you for your generosity!
Is there a way to filter by uploader? I’d like to study Jorge’s photos more as they are very wonderful and graceful.
Aunt Herbert
I loved your poses so far Jorge Z. Very classical, with a touch of antique, make great reference for stylish drawings.
Jorge Zam
Thank you very much, there are a more to come. Stay tune!