Gesture Drawing Critique

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Idon'tknow 6 months ago.

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  • #31304

    60 and 30 seconds!

    I think it's shaping out pretty well compared to last time. I think my main issue right now is I have no idea how to draw arms and hands correctly.

    Critiques greatly appreciated!

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    Good morning, Sorasoi. You know, you're still doing great on your first attempts. I love the sense of fluidity, flow, and elasticity of gesture and balance of straight edges against curves. In addition, I'm still not even getting enough of that satirized organic sketching of lines and shapes yet. Would you like to kindly free up your non-dominant hand the most with 7 minutes of 30 second attitude sketches?

    The argument behind this most favorable suggestion is because, it can and will help you kick out your left hemisphere, which is what I'm objectively calling it analytical, in favor of your right side, which is the gutsiest. But remember:

    It's not about the destination, it's the journey.

    Ralph W. Emerson.

    Let's all hope they've helped you out all as well.


    You are developing a good sense for pose and volume in space. I would even think maybe for 30s/60s you are producing too many lines. The idea is to find a good drawing rhythm that you can keep steady whether you start a short or a long draft, so that in theory every shorty you draw could be the foundation for a lenghty work.

    I wouldn't worry about hand and feet in such short sketches of a whole body. If you sketch in their outlines as variations of quadrangles around the 2 minute mark, that is still plenty of detail.

    1 1

    Hey Polyvios, nice to see you again! Thanks for the recommendation, I will definitely try that!


    Thanks alot for the helpful critique Herbert! I'll try to keep the lines to a minimum and really let it flow.


    I might be late, but I sense that you should really take more time to study each pose just like making a logo.

    Look at Gennedy Tartakovsky's Samurai Jack. Practically the main protagonist has his entire body as one unified shape or 2 shapes at is the poster

    If you have problems seeing the shapes right away, that's normal. A good tip is to squint your eyes enough to blend all the details together. If that's not enough you have to describe the shape in a way your brain just makes the least amount of resistence recognizing it.


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