Hands Critique

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Icon123 4年前.

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  • #25837
    Any tips I can get in terms of mistakes and/or drawing them faster?

    Second time I've used this site, but its been a well over a few months since the first time I used it.

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    Hi there! I would recommend studying a bit of hands' anatomy so you can understand better what you're drawing! Try making the basic shapes first instead of drawing them right away. Also I think you should be more confident with your lines when you're sketching! Above all, just keep practicing and having fun!! I bet you will get better in no time!!
    Hi there, I like the effort you've put in, you're capturing the shapes really well. I'm assuming you're going for accuracy, forgive me if it's something else but I feel like if that's what you're trying to capture, I'd recommend setting it for longer poses and gradually scaling down the time once you've begun to understand more of the shapes you want to capture. You have to remember as well to keep it simple for yourself, there's no shame in making some construction lines to rely on. And if you don't know where to start, I have a few artists on youtube who can break the process down for you. I recommend Aaron Blaise if you're into illustration and animation. He's worked for Disney on a few projects, I'm sure you may know him :)
    Marco Bucci is another I found while browsing. He's an illustrator who uses a more painterly style and uses mixed tools and media like blender and so forth.

    Kienan Lafferty, host of the KNKL show does a lot of anime and has a very niche style as well, but also has some good useful tutorials on shape building.

    I also recommend some anatomy apps such as art anatomy. The free version has a lot of good knowledge on basic bone structure but the paid version will also get you access to all the features like muscles and viens and skin. Very useful for learning.
    Very excellent job on your arms, hands, and feet, psyminapixel, yet, I've got one small invitation: why don't you speed up with 11 more 29 second gesture sketches, pretty, pretty please, please?? The arguement why is because, your lines and edges will be done more quickly in one more stroke. Hope and have faith that it'll attain.

    Polyvios Animations
    I heard about a guy who drew 10000 hands and he said he felt like he didn't improve much. Thing is you need to understand the construction of the hands. Just like we can visualize a coke can in our minds and draw it from memory. I think the same goes for anything we draw, if we understand it completely we will have an easier time drawing it, even if it's not from reference. I recommend watching steve huston, Glenn vilppu or Sheldon Borenstein. They are all good teachers, (steve huston how to draw hands)
    (sheldon Borenstein demo hands)
    Hello! In my opinion, one thing you could improve is drawing the hands with more precise and agile lines.Instead of doing little strokes one after another, you could make longer and more fluid lines.I used to do this myself but when I stopped doing it, and started doing more fluid lines I immediately saw a huge improvement on my sketching techniques.
    Hello Psyminapixel!

    Thanks for posting, and I hope you end up using this site regularly! :D It's a great resource for study and practice!

    onto the critique!

    First off. For your second time, you've drawn some pretty decent hands! Keep up the good work. It looks like you're drawing from your wrist. (don't worry too much, most artists, including myself, do and struggle with it)

    While difficult to practice, try drawing from your elbow and shoulder instead. The wrist is great for small precise marks, but gives you small, sketchy lines, whereas drawing from the elbow and shoulder helps produce fluid, confident lines that give your gestures a flow and a weight. Try Drawabox in addition to your studies here to learn more about line-making. It's hard work, but I've been enjoying it myself!

    The only other piece of advice I will give is to keep up the good work and don't give up!
    1 1
    I think you are well on the way.

    My suggestion is general. In gesture don't be afraid to cut through the figure.

    Your images are mostly outline, but what makes hands hard is all the inner workings. I think "scrible more" may help you. The "inside guts" of the hands are what make the outside look right.

    So i would try to draw the curve of the palm/ etc. more. Anatomy is often fibbed; if you draw inside out/ action to meat following the action it gives the most benefit.

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