
  • 作者
  • #238
    I Just got a cintiq13HD and tried it out. I would love to know what you think.
    Awesome work I enjoy the animals and the increased personality they get on the longer poses. How often do you update your webcomic. I enjoy your work.
    You get a lot done in 1 to 3 minutes. I like that you capture the poses and add in a bit of stylization. I assume your top two images are the longer poses. I like the amount of information you convey with few lines. When it comes to gestures I seem to get too dark and my lines get muddled and the pose gets lost. I would love to see what some of your finished pieces look like.
    Dooger had some great critiques. I like when style starts to show through in someones work. You put a lot of effort into the human form and they all seem a bit rigid especially in conjunction with the loosely composed backgrounds. I think that you would benefit from laying down contour gesture drawings with only a pen or brush so that you don't have the opportunity to correct yourself during this process keep your arms loose and draw with your arm. That exercise will help loosen up your drawings and gain more line confidence. These are two things that I struggle with in my drawings as well. I love the concept and am looking forward to seeing the followthrough on all 7 sins.
    Sorry I couldn't get that link to work. I would love to give you some critique so maybe try another format.
    Hello Rockstar,
    I like your gestures a lot especially the ones with an action line and medial line. My critique for you would be to try to be more confident in your line. I think line confidence is harder on digital devices because of the slick surface of the screen. Your facial features are great I usually struggle with them. The only critique for the facial features would be to add a bit of shading because they all look very flat. That is nitpicky though. I really like your stuff and am looking forward to seeing more. If you want to check out my stuff look at
    Hey colorapathy I thought your 5 minute sketch was good. A little rough around the edges but that accounts for your long absence. I think my biggest critique would be line quality and committing to a line rather than the rough sketchy lines that form the body. I have the same issue and think that the exercise that helps the most is doing continuos line contour drawings with pen so that you don't have the luxury of correcting lines. It forces you to commit and gain confidence in your line quality. I hope to see your work in the future and if you would like to see mine check it out at
    I really like your toned paper anatomy sketches. They show a great understanding of anatomy and movement. Your mermaids are wonderful pinups. I admire the way you can capture poses with little to now scratchy lines I often find myself with rough workings of a sketch then I erase everything and use the halo lines to create my longer poses to get the best anatomically correct pose. That method also takes pressure off of needing to nail it the first time around.
    I really enjoy your 30 sec poses. I hardly ever get the proportions and the flow of movement but it looks to me like you get both rather well. I like to very my size on short poses because I think it gives a better overall understanding of the pose. Drawing larger also lets you fill in details and add character later. Awesome work.

    #232 is my website I post gesture drawings everyday and I plan to post a couple of comics a week. It is a new endeavor that I just started. I am an art school student that decided on art because it was something I always thought was amazing for other people to do but was out of reach for me. I am striving towards improvement let me know what you think. I usually do at least an hour class of life drawing per day sometimes more.