
  • 作者
  • #28635


    Thanks for the feedback. Are you trying to say the left side is brighter than the right side on number 7?

    Arthoan Kmille

    In some of the reference pictures I struggled to see a good balance of light and shadow. I'll look for more references and see if I can apply your critique.


    In what ways can i improve. I'd appreciate any feedback.

    Hair is a lot difficult than i thought especially shaved heads and really short beards. I am yet to draw braids and really don't know how to tackle those.


    Nin4ok, lol yea it does look creepy. Thanks for the feedback

    Purelief, Thanks I'll work on it


    I've been going at lips for almost 2 weeks now.

    I must say the teeth and the inside of the mouth are one of the hardest to draw. I'd appreciate feedback on what i got wrong and how to make it better.



    I agree with your critique and thank you for pointing them out

    Two questions

    1. You said the length of 5 eyes and also the length of 1 eyes. I am confused, which is it?

    2. yes eyes 1 and 12 have a bland expression which is the same as the reference. Is this what you mean by "unfocused, powerless, and have no vitality"?



    I am still trying to get a hang of the basics and overall structure. I'll definitely work on variations. Thanks



    Yes I can see that now.



    Thanks. Can't be stressing out the critiques lol


    Polyvios Animations

    Oh okay. You are right, I was still getting the hang of it and I definitely need to work on variation. Thanks you


    Polyvios Animations, When you say bland do you mean the nose drawings you mentioned look the same?


    Thank you Polyvios for the feedback. I'll work on your suggestions.


    Eshlost, thanks for the critique and I've been following Angel's tutorials, I didn't know his tutorials were stylised and simplified. While I'm not interested in realism I don't mind using it as a resource to improve and draw better. I'm currently looking at Poko and David finch's youtube tutorials.


    I am learning how to draw eyes and i have to say the 3/4 and the eyes half closed view is one of my most difficult to draw. I would love to get some critique on my progress so far.


    Thank you so much. Appreciate your feedback
