
  • 作者
  • #1853

    make sure the eyes, nose and mouth follow the shape, or curve of the head. They're too flat which helps with making the drawings seem awkward


    A teacher in the past also told me i focus too much on the outline and should add more detail, but i thought by adding in shadows to indicate things such as the abdominals and rib cage that i fixed that problem. By the way i think i should have said figure drawing instead of gesture drawing, i confused the two sorry about that, but thanks for the reply =)


    hi everyone. ive been doing gesture drawings for a few weeks now, and recently i have been wondering if im going about this the right way. i feel like im focusing too much on just copy the images, rather than relying on my own knowledge of anatomy and form. i start out with an almost skeletal gesture first (which you can see in the images i have sent), until i feel it captures the movement nicely, then i flesh the rest of it out, but it is on this part where i feel like i am using the reference too much.

    is it ok for the figure to not look exactly like the reference image? as long as it captures the gesture that should be enough right? Also the skeletal drawings are how i do my 60 second warm up drawings, but i see some other people flesh the body out more even on 30 second ones, am i doing this wrong also? sorry for all the questions. http://is66.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=scraps