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  • #37613
    后来的两天我除了在line of action上做简单的练习,没有再画画,我害怕那种失望的、失控的感觉,而且我不知道怎么办才好。我觉得并不是我的方法出了问题,也不是我不够勤奋,只是我的创作能力不太匹配我的期望……唯一的也是最靠谱的办法,就是继续画下去,同时也要调整,尽可能减少类似的坏场面发生。
    恰好我前两天看见了这个帖子,对我很有启发。我开始反思我画画的动机,有时候我们画画是因为享受,或是需要休闲、释放,但我们每天都花时间做一些固定的、见效不快的练习,强忍嫉妒去认真研究他人的惊艳画作,是因为我们想要提高自己的画画技术,画出更好的东西。那么长期的努力和练习就是必需的,我个人的体验是:既然决定要长期做某件事,那么做这件事的过程中去放松和体验,要比总想着完成它、想看见效果更有利于坚持下去。无论是学习、练习、临摹还是创作,都可以用这个思路去调整,试着把它变得更加轻松、有趣,专注于过程而非着急要结果。比如说,我选择每天在line of action上练习20张人体速写,而不是30或40张,因为20张是我的舒适区,在这个范围内,我基本可以保证自己每天愉悦地完成练习。有关创作和临摹,我也打算缩减画面的篇幅,或是适当降低完成度,中国有篇古文《劝学》中写道:“骐骥一跃,不能十步;驽马十驾,功在不舍。”即使登天是我们的目标,我们也不可能在山脚下就一步登天,一步一步来,给自己一些时间,放松地慢慢走,相信我们都会进步的!

    The replies below this post give me a lot of confidence, thanks to the person who sent the post and the people who posted the reply! 

    Just a few days ago, I was trying to create a work with a high degree of completion. Since I only had a superficial understanding of various knowledge, I needed to find a lot of references and other people's painting methods before I could push forward my creation. I think one of the most enjoyable things about painting is that it gives me immediate feedback, whether it's copying or creating something, and seeing it get better and better and better gives me a lot of emotional value. But while I was working on this piece, something went wrong, and no matter what I tried, my picture didn't satisfy me - it looked a little ugly, but I couldn't put my finger on it. At that time, I had been painting for three hours, my shoulders, neck, back and back were very sore, my head was dizzy, and my mood was irritated, but I thought I must paint it well! So I began to find new references and tutorials, while observing and adjusting, after a long time finally became more beautiful, but still can not make me satisfied. By this time, I was physically and mentally breaking down.

     For the next two days, I did not draw any more except for simple exercises on the line of action. I was afraid of feeling disappointed and out of control, and I did not know what to do. I don't think my method is wrong, nor am I not diligent enough, but my creative ability does not match my expectations... The only and most reliable way is to continue to draw, but also to adjust, as far as possible to reduce the occurrence of similar bad scenes. I happened to see this post two days ago and it was very enlightening to me. I began to reflect on my motivations for drawing. Sometimes we draw because we enjoy it, or because we need to relax and release, but we spend time every day doing regular, unproductive exercises, and studying other people's amazing paintings in the face of jealousy, because we want to improve our own drawing skills and draw something better. Then long-term effort and practice is necessary, and my personal experience is that if you decide to do something for a long time, then relaxing and experiencing the process of doing it is more conducive to sticking with it than trying to finish it and see results. Whether it is learning, practicing, copying or creating, you can use this idea to adjust, try to make it more relaxed, fun, and focus on the process rather than rushing to the result. For example, I choose to practice 20 body sketches per day on the line of action, rather than 30 or 40, because 20 is my comfort zone, and within that, I can pretty much guarantee that I can do them happily every day. 

    Regarding the creation and copying, I also plan to reduce the length of the picture, or appropriately reduce the degree of completion, there is an ancient Chinese article "Persuade to learn" wrote: "Steed leap, not ten steps; Ten times a poor horse, but not giving up." Even if the sky is our goal, we can not climb at the foot of the mountain, step by step, give yourself some time, relax slowly, I believe we will progress! Maybe everyone understands that when it comes to practice, we will be frustrated and find that things are not as good as we thought. I'm still very sensitive to some of my little mistakes that lead to emotional outbursts and breakdowns, and sometimes I'm very hard on myself, always wanting to be "better" and stingy with praise, and I think it has nothing to do with painting or whatever else we do, it's something we all have to deal with all the time no matter what we do. I know I'm going to make mistakes again and again, but I'm not going to let that stop me from doing what I want to do and getting better.

     I hope that the people who see this reply can also have more confidence, fall countless times and climb up countless times, we will go farther and farther!