Polyvios Animations的論壇貼

  • 作者
  • #3879


    Nice Doodles and Sketches of your animals, but in order to be more than really fluid with your animals, why don't you try drawing one in 10 minutes, if you please?

    Have a great evening.



    I looked at your sketches, Cecibart. With all due respect, you really need and want to get the flow and natural quality of your figure studies. Why don’t you try to practice them in, first, 59 seconds, then 1 minute twice, please? Thanks, and the checked ones say you’re on the right track. And here’s some advice, the less time you spend on a drawing, the less lines you’ll put down in your drawings.


    Polyvios Animations.


    Hey, Kim. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Poly. How are you? I'm fine.

    Listen, you're doing a great job. Now, I have to answer one of your questions. I think that, in the scenes and environments tool, that 30 second starting place still makes sense, and I feel that it does, if you're new into drawing composition, backgrounds, and perspective.

    Let me try this out and I'll tell you what I think. How about all of you?

    Thanks and have a great New Year.