Shadow warriors

by Pastabrother, May 11th 2024 © 2024 Pastabrother

Practice in shading

Aunt Herbert

Typical pastabrother. Great rendering on a suboptimal foundation.

Polyvios Animations

Hello again, Pasta. Nicer job on your tones, relationships, spaces, edges and gestalts, but not getting enough of the more exaggerated negative spaces. How would you like to draw more from your arms with 47 minutes of 1 minute poses, all in gesture drawing mode?

The reason is consequentially, your silhouettes can and will become even more expressive and exaggerated and holistic. My hat's off to you.


Interessting. This was created on a minuscule bistro-table with barely enough space for my little book...

I am often oblivious about my "working conditions"... I may have to keep that more in mind...

Thx for your feedback.


