在今天周四发布的照片中,我为静物绘画工具拍摄了 95 张新照片。这些美丽的照片都是在清晰的灯光下简单的陶瓷物体,无论是单独的还是成对的,都是一个完美的学习课程,重点关注基本形状的阴影。以下是一些示例:
这张照片由Flash Studio拍摄。对于那些有兴趣直接支持 Flash Studio 的人,他们还可以在 ArtStation 上购买一些其他参考照片:https://www.artstation.com/a/31273379。 artstation.com/a/31273379
Aunt Herbert
Thanks. Can you possibly also add a series of dramaticly lighted objects? I guess it is a bit hard to prevent them from becoming too abstract, but it also gives good insight into how extreme lighting alone can distort shapes.
Kim - 网站管理员
You might actually like the one for next week! You can let me know then if it is dramatic enough or not. :)
Aunt Herbert
OK, I will keep an eye open.