
今天,我们将 Sanne 的 9 个姿势添加到 360 位观看者。这包括穿衣姿势和裸体姿势,以方便您学习!



Polyvios Animations

Greatest job on your attitudes, Sanne!

Aunt Herbert

Sanne, a compliment from me after having drawn a few scores of your photos. I feel like your poses are actually very easy and rewarding to draw from, and I think it is kind of a mindset issue:
You seem less interested in posing, and more in acting. If I channel what you do correctly, you have an idea, what you want to do, and put all your energy into doing it. You don't seem to worry how you look doing it, but how (whatever you are in the process of doing) is done.
Which makes it easy for the draftsperson to pick up that purpose and energy, simplify it, and reduce it to simple shapes.
So, cudos.


