You may not know, but when you are doing gestures it is never about the details, but rather being more correct about the overall proportions of the form. But even before that, we concentrate on what makes the figure most expressive.
I suggest you watch the flashcards fly by. Don't draw. Instead, tell yourself what makes that figure so compelling. After you feel you can do this well, (It can take up to half an hour for those who are not used to this exercise. And for some, this is enough to tire them out. If that is you, that is completely normal and a job well done. Even if you have not picked up a pencil.) Start your drawing sessions. If at any time you feel lost in the drawing, stop drawing. Wait until you have a good understanding again then pick up your pencil again.
I know this sounds like a strange tactic, not drawing, but it will increase your observation skills and your storytelling skills.
Enjoy using the website. If you wish feel free to join our Fellow artist-Creative Family group.
All the best,
JCML Fine Art
thank you so much for the advice. i'll try it!
Hello, bislie.
Say, I must think that your figures and expressions are completely on the right track. Great job on your forces and forms of the faces and bodies. Way to go. Keep it up.
Piggybacking on what somebody had to say, is that gesture drawing is not about the forms and details, it's about the forces. My biggest and total criticism or two is that some of the nude/semi-nude's forces and facial expression forces are a bit too rigid or stiffest. Would you like to work with black chalk on the sides, with 30 minutes of 30 second faces, and 30 minutes of 1 minute (60 second) bodies of various dress? The reason why you could, should and would do this exercise is because, as long as you work with those chalks from your elbow/shoulder, then your facial and life structures will become the most spontaneous, fluidest, and liveliest you could make. And if you really want to look into most info, I would recommend looking into Pinterest, and real life.
Thanks for listening and reading. Hope these help you out.
Great line work overall. The little girl is very nicely rendered. The only thing I could see to improve is taking more time with facial porportions, namely the eyes. Try to get them more symmetrical. If we can make eyes more symmetrical it will bring the whole face together. Great effort overall.
It may be helpful for you to picture the overall shape of different body parts as a guideline for the features on them. Such as, a (very loose) trapezoid for the chest area. This may help you visualize the human body as a collection of shapes. Once you get good at this, you can continue refining the details.