I would love some critiques

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Polychromous 9年前.

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  • #232
    www.adamantiumdesigns.com is my website I post gesture drawings everyday and I plan to post a couple of comics a week. It is a new endeavor that I just started. I am an art school student that decided on art because it was something I always thought was amazing for other people to do but was out of reach for me. I am striving towards improvement let me know what you think. I usually do at least an hour class of life drawing per day sometimes more.
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    One thing I could mention is that I've noticed some of your sketches have very thick, dark lines. Even when practicing it's good to make sure your pencils are sharpened, and to use a softer pressure. Besides that, I think you're doing quite well for yourself.

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