
  • 作者
  • #1088

    Hello Vyper, I find it very hard to give you a good crit. You have your own style and your line flow works well with your cartoony style.

    The painting links you gave are very line dependent, but the digital paint itself comes across as a bit messy. I think it can work if you drop the lines. Heavy lines and loose paint is a hard combo.

    Your character designs are drawn in a different way, very clean and I like it. But I have to say that all the black lines come across as a bit harsh, maybe lighten them a little and add some color(?).

    All in all good job :)


    http://s22.postimg.org/7iaw1rash/linesheads.jpg not all great, but it has been a while since i drew heads with lines :D


    I'll join :) I will post some tomorrow


    Hello, I'm just going to give your a crit on your second one, because the first one seems to be mainly in your own style while the other is more rooted in figure drawing

    I have done a draw over

    I must say your proportions (8heads) is actually pretty accurate, but there is not as much attention for the important muscle groups.
    The main trouble area's are at the crotch and the armpit, and the size of the head a little. I think alot of your problems can be solved by learning the important muscles

    I would recommend you to get a few books on the subject because it's easier to learn from the start then dive straight into drawing from reality.
    I would recommend Andrew Loomis Figure Drawing for all It's worth, and Michael Hampton's book

    good luck :)
