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  • #1266

    Yes i went through nearly 10 years of not caring about my creative side. But it wasn't due to frustration with my art it was my deadly bout with alcoholism that did it.. A life threatening experience in the ER made me put the bottle away for goods.. almost drank myself to death. that was nearly 2 years ago and sobriety is giving me a second chance to be the artist I should have been.

    It is easy for us to get caught up in our worlds to the extent that it can actually have a negative impact on our creative aspects. With it can come a flair of arrogance nothing wrong with pride but when it gets in the way of your goals it can have a negative impact. This is especially true when comparing yourself to another artist. A shattered ego can lead to the frustration of feeling not good enough. But you need to realize art is not a game of competition it is a matter of expression. I have to constantly remind myself of this.

    I also struggle with the need of striving for perfection but more recently im discovering that sometimes what appears to be imperfect is what gives it its own perfection. It is so easy to overwork and ruin a perfectly good thing when trying to uphold irrational standards that we impose on ourselves.. its ok that its not prefect thats what gives it character.

    The way to get back on track is to do not think about doing. The rest of the pieces will naturally fall into place along the way.


    Inspiration isn't what makes the artist its discipline. Inspiration is what motivates you to make the decision of pursuing a creative path and reminds you from time to time along the way. The key here is the words discipline its what separates the master from the novice. One does not always feel inspired during their creative journey it is during these times that practice and studies as well as exploration into knew techniques come into play to make you more skilled.

    Inspiration is unpredictable and chaotic something as simple as a song with a simple sketch can inspire you to create a masterpiece. An artist knows to be attentive to these moments because its what sparks an idea a concept for an art piece. As you increase your mental portfolio and execution of translating your thoughts to visual you will also increase the triggers that will give you sparks of inspiration.

    What makes an artist great is his or her ability to finish a work long after the initial high of inspiration has eluded them.

    As far as your disorder is concerned it can be a bit overwhelming when our minds don't function as their intended to. But you can either see this as a burden or a strength the choice is yours. I have yet to meet another artist who is all their in their head so to speak it does take a bit of mental quirckyness to be creative to what extreme varies to the individual. And this includes myself. Im not exactly sane by the standards of the norm. Art can be an invaluable outlet for you to express yourself and may very well be somewhat theraputic.

    Ive been in your shoes many times it feels like walking in a dry desert looking for a drop of creative spark to keep the motivation going.. but trust me keep working on your studies and you will find it.