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  • #2102

    No worries, speaking of books here are some absolutely free! :D


    My teacher told me rendering is a waste of time when practicing, I still render but not as often, maybe spend more time on things like getting gesture and proportions down. He didn't really put it like that though something like "You can polish a turd for a zillion hours but it's still going to be a turd." >.<


    I just got my first tablet(woho!)and tried it out on one of your gestures :-)

    Hope it helps, cheers!


    Hey Weles and welcome, I can't think of anyone that haven't gone through the part of "i'm terrible I might aswell burn my tools and never draw again", it's a phase I go through all the time haha! What's important though is to realize that it's the journey that's supposed to be fun, there's no end to practice, you will never have a perfect drawing. Knowing that helps me not to rush things I suppose, the most important thing though is to draw every day no matter what. Good luck!


    When you say you practice 4-6 hours a day what do you do exactly? Do you have time setup for anatomy, construction and gesture? New masters academy is the place I go to when I feel I've hit a wall or plateau, it is a subscription fee to their library though but it's totally worth the money if you're serious with your drawing. I recommend Sheldon Borensteins beginners/intermediate course on figure drawing, he's got an interesting way of teaching. Good luck!


    365 days it is then, Got no means to upload any pictures just yet but I'll stalk you guys until that day comes. cheers :-)


    Welcome to the grind... Haha, kidding aside, welcome even though I'm a new arrival myself. 26 years old also picked up sketching just six months ago and joined here just a few days ago. It'll be fun to watch your progress, though I probably won't be sharing anytime soon.

    EDIT: just noticed it's an old post bumped *facepalm*