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  • #1816

    Some very bad drawings coming up!!

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    Thank you for sharing your story. It seems you've a lot of experience.
    Drawing really does help keep my mind a little more still. It's a respite from thoughts that bombard me. Ha, well some people want to keep it secret but I don't worry about it too much. It just is. I also get psychosis, so which means I get paranoid and delusions (think that people are out to get me or reading my mind etc) which means I may sometimes withdraw or be highly suspicious of everyone!

    I'll upload some of my pictures later. I shall warn you that they are truly awful. I think I need to do some slightly longer timed drawings, say 3 minutes, for a while before going into class mode because I am just not getting the gestures done or using the skills and techniques properly in the class mode.

    Ha, I have become a lot more relaxed about taking criticism, I have been a perfectionist in the past and although there are elements of that still I am learning that it is all about the learning. Development is the key. So here goes!

    Thanks again for your reply.


    Hi there, I am another new person coming to try out some of the practice sessions.
    I am going to keep trying to post in this thread here because if I start popping around everywhere I shall procrastinate all day reading other posts etc etc.

    I used to draw at school and pretty much stopped there until 3 years ago and I started doing some sketching again.
    Not really been into it seriously for any length of time but I am now taking a life drawing class and wanted to practice free hand. I am fine with a grid, can do very detailed pictures but I want to loosen up and get some good freehand skills in.

    I hope to practice at least every other day with the view of getting something down everyday.
    I suffer from psychotic depression and so I can have days where there is no doing anything. I'm slowly getting better and I find art very therapeutic.
    I have in the past been a perfectionist (still have the traits) but I am going to be brave and show as much work as I can on here in the hope that I may get some good critique,,,and be ok with it.

    Hello, I'm glad to be here.