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  • #37463
    Been a minute since I've posted/drawn but recently been working on studying (more like measuring) eyes.

    Here's what I got :) Comments & Criticism are appreciated, ty! And a Happy New Year to all!!
    @Tired in a Tree
    Sorry for the late response jaja!! BUT YEAH!!!! Yeah that makes a lot of sense on why the eye looked funny! Thanks for showing me, it helped a bunch! :D
    LOL my first suggestion was going to be Proko so I'm out of ideas for suggestions :')

    My OTHER go to for practicing/follow alongs are usually Chris Hong's videos (for colouring and sketching) Ethan Becker's breakdown videos and Michael Mattesi's!

    If you're looking for structured courses (and follow alongs) for Anatomy, I'd give FORCE with Michael Mattesi's a try! I purchased his book after discovering it from TBChoi's livestreams years ago and it's been EXTREMELY helpful for breaking down the anatomy of the body while simplifying the dynamic of the pose, muscles, cloth etc :)! Or Fine Art Academy for Protrait Sessions!

    Most times my go to's tend to be artists that inspire me and seeing if they have videos of their breakdown or sketch sessions on Youtube. Hope this helped a bit
    Aw, thanks!! From how you're describing the shaping and measurements, it makes sense and I'll apply it when I do some eye studies later this week!

    And I see what you're talking about with the shape of Peacchips and S H I N O N's works with their eyes having more shape language to them. I'll be sure to add Satoshi Kon's movies to my watchlist!

    You just opened up my third eye with "You know the rules, but you aren't quite breaking them yet." and makes a ton of sense with the art I've made.
    👀 eyo..

    Sorry for getting back to you so late, I appreciate everyone responding and giving me ideas on how to move forward with my art and how to keep studying from figures and gestures and how to start making art from it!!
    More than likely I'm not going to continue this drawing, kinda want to leave it where it's at but I did want some advice on how to fix the eyes in my drawing.

    I adopted a character that a friend made through MapleStory's assets (she likes to make adopts) and randomly I've gotten motivation to draw this character. Her eyes look weird to me and I'm not sure on how to fix it, I wanted to show a gentle but empty-statue-like look to her eyes but can't seem to get it right. I was going more stylized for her eyes, kind of like S H I N O N's eyes or Peacchip's on instagram.

    Advice is much appreciated! Thanks in advance!
    Wow! These look great! I love how you broke down the shapes of the leg and how you broke the thigh and calf in half to show that break in form! I agree with Katt Quiet in regards to curving the eyebrow line (I'll be taking that advice for myself too lol) Other than that, your process on deconstructing and simplifying the shapes look great! Keep it up!

    Want to first state that I love the attention to detail on the hunched poses. You've put focus on a clear silhouette and the interactions with all of the poses :) Even love the detail in the angle of the one that's reading a book.

    What is it that you want to primarily focus on right now?

    If you're looking to push the Force on the poses (ex. like the force on the hunched poses) try practicing Poses with a shorter timer (I typically do a few sets of 30 secs and a few sets of 1 minute, then transitioning to 5-10 minutes). As stressful as it is at first, this helps train your eye to grab that center line of each pose and to grasp the motion of the pose while grabbing the basic information of where anatomy is at (location of collar bone, shoulders, head, rib cage, pelvis, legs and feet).

    Michael Mattesi has a really good book on this called "FORCE: Dynamic Life Drawing" and he has A BUNCH of videos and past livestreams on his youtube channel that goes over the information in his book

    Here's the Channel:
    Hi o/

    Unfortunately I don't think the link is working, when I opened it, the link led the imgur's main page and displayed "The requested page could not be found".

    Looking forward to seeing the exercises!
    Thank you for this, I really appreciate it!

    I think I understand what you're saying. Most of my figure/gesture drawings come from reference (thanks to Line-Of-Action :) ) and even though at times I drew from imagination as a kid, I also copied a lot from anime and cartoons but everything I was imagining for stories and comics and so on weren't ever really drawn out so I stuck with references because that's what looked good. The same applies to when I went for a Portfolio Day at Ringling and be told that my figure/gestures, perspective studies are good but needing work on simplifying my linework and focusing on that single stroke to make it more professional.

    I will definitely take your suggestion of "Leveling Up" (jaja) and attempting to use the reference image and rotating the view/perspective of it while in that pose.
    I love the idea in that and I believe that's what I'm in need of to practice and improve on my imagination and expand on modifying models/stages. I'll also be focusing more on Structure as that's something I'm definitely lacking in, as well as perspective and those are the hurdles I need to get past.

    Again, thank you for your message! It's been really helpful and insightful. You've definitely opened my eyes to more things I can do and what to focus on to get closer to my goal!
    I really appreciate the feedback @Katt Quiet and @Idon'tknow (wish there was a way to tag you both)

    The first cube was definitely one I struggled the most and I think it's because I had the doubt settling in if I wanted to do this self hw assignment. The part I struggled with the most was definitely keeping the smaller parts of the rubiks cube in perspective and balanced(?) like Katt had mentioned the side, middle row growing taller as it recedes. I'll be sure to put more attention to it the next self assignment and to take my time with the cubes (as I've also noticed that the last cube, the downward slope isn't as prominent in my study) :)

    @Idon'tknow Could you explain to me what you mean by "subdivide a surface in perspective"? Perspective wasn't my strong suit in college and I think that's my next hurdle that I'm having to jump. And I will definitely be try turning Pokemon into simple shapes! That sounds like a fun exercise and I'm excited to get to it this week

    Again, thank you for the feedback!🌞
    Last week I had an eye opening realization after my first post and my birthday as well that I'm not where I want to be with my art.

    I worked so hard in 2019 to improve on figures, gestures and hand drawings and apply to Ringling for Animation and due to life events I didn't attend after being accepted for Game Art.

    I've told myself that I'll have the career of my dreams by 27 and become financially stable for future kids (and so on) Now at 26 I'm helping with my boyfriends business with graphic design posts & some marketing for his business and as much as I enjoy doing that, I want to take my art to the level of something that I've always imagined.

    I'm not sure if Animator is still in my sights but I love watching the process of Storyboards, Concept Art & Visual Development from videos and art books I've collected. Having all these story ideas that I have and never being able to illustrate them properly...

    Getting back into drawing shows me that I've stopped at the stage of figure/gesture drawings, so now I'm trying to figure out how to take the stepping stone that I'm on and take it farther. I want to start on illustrations, concept designs, storyboards but I have no idea where to go with the figure & gesture drawing knowledge that I have now.

    Thanks for coming to my TED Talk lol
    After having a bit of an eye opening moment with the last post, I watched bluebiscuits videos on fundamentals (which I direly needed, as I'm trying to start from the beginning)Very insightful video and she explained all of the fundamentals and gave examples for studies to do.

    My go to form study was my rubiks cube and my dog's toy ball that had teeth on it but I can't find them anywhere, so I used SketchFab for the rubiks cube. This week I'll be trying cylinder and sphere form studies

    Comments and Criticism are appreciated and Suggestions for self-homework assignments on FORM. Thanks
    Hi Kenna ( ´ ▽ ` )/

    Unfortunately we're not able to see the images you've posted. Try posting them on (+New Post top left) and then add the link to your post or in a new comment. I'm not used to using imgur but it was pretty user friendly and easy to drop the link.

    Hope it helps and can't wait to see the study :)!
    Thanks, I appreciate that a bunch! I tend to draw the figures really big when starting so it's something I'll focus on in the next drawing session :)