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  • #27848

    Hi (google translate team !!)

    I really like your drawings! you make beautiful curves with a confident line! I think that a way to improve yourself will be with a better anatomical and morphological knowledge, we feel that in some drawings the proportions or the members of the body are not consistent

    for that here are some references:
    -the series of books "MORPHO" (very good to start)
    -Paul RICHER "artistic anatomy" (very detailed)

    also I see that you only do 2 minute poses,
    I invite you to vary the exercise times, 2min, 10 min, 1 hour, to have time to better capture the pose of the model, add lots of details ect ..

    finally do not forget that you draw a model, then try to observe it a lot, you capture realizing it, do not invent a line or a shape if you do not see it, or if it is not there !!

    I hope this will help you, keep drawings !!


    hi, don't worry already, there is a long way to go and sometimes you stagnate for a long time before you can improve.

    I like your drawings, I appreciate the fact that you try to put details like the face (which is very hard) or shadows.
    Seeing your drawings I have the impression that you are not using the full amplitude of your arm to draw. try (maybe on larger sheets) to make long strokes and curves in one stroke.

    also I advise you to be interested in anatomy, there are very good manuals like the MORPHO series which is more for artists (available in the library), and if you want to deepen on a more scientific anatomy PAUL RIECHER "arstistic anatomy".
    All this aims to better understand what you draw:
    Volumes! you can thus learn to draw simple shapes in volume (cube, sphere ...) to replace the members on your draft. then you replace these geometric shapes by drawing over them the real shapes you see on the model and voila

    Warning ! I know it's not easy, don't hesitate to take your time, vary the exercises, 1min (for the line of force), 10min (main forms), 1 hour (in-depth forms and details) you can do them at later if you want or separately, but it's important to vary because you don't learn the same thing depending on the time you allow yourself to do it, and the 1min is as important as the 1 hour.

    Finally to deepen I advise you to learn about the book "drawing with the right brain" by Betty Edward, a very good book, you can see videos which summarize it on youtube, there are good exercises to learn from it.
    Sorry it was a bit long, I hope it will help you, do not lose hope you will improve, keep drawing !!!

    sorry for my english (google translate :p )


    Hey that's a good start and a good iread to train figure drawings.

    Without details it's normal that doesn't look like a children, the exercice you did here is a sketch exercice, the goal of this exercice is to understand the line of action of the model, and its general pose, if you like thix exercice you should try to go with more curvy lines, with all your arm if you can, to get a really smooth lines and shape, but TAKE YOUR TIME, don't rush this process ! take the time to observe the model and his lines of action, the way is body is.

    To awnser your question, to make your drawings more look like a children, some tricks work well, like cruvy and smooth lines, really round shapes, the head should be larger in proportion to the body than an adult.

    keep working you did good job bye !


    Hi, theres are really good drawings here, i think for improve yourself you should make drawings session:

    start with 1 min drawings were you trys to understand the form with longs lines, you cans also make one lines drawings.

    after this "warm up" go for 5 min drawings and add some details but keep doing long lines, the goal is to capture the shape and dont loose the good shape with the details.

    and then you can go for 20min drawing and do a lot of details.

    Yours drawings are really good, you just need to make you comprehension of the shape more instinctive and that why i advise you to make a lot of 1 min drawings.

    keep drawings and take pleasure bye !

    1 3
    • Petipo edited this post on July 30, 2020 11:27am.

    Hy, maybe you should draw from observations, 1min drawings draw a lot of poses but not only the head try to draww a full body, in the real life the head is alway with the rest of the body. So draw a full body, your not forced to details the head just like a mannequin with no details, and when you start to understand the how the head is hooked to the body and how it interract with you can draw full body in 5 min, and if you think you are stuck just add more time.

    if you draw every days full body with head , i think that will help you to understad the form of the head and that will help you to understand easly the forms of the face. Don"t forget to start never draw from imagination, but a lot of observation to understand the face the forms the light ect...

    I hope that will help you, i do theses exercices from a month and that reaky help me to draw ealsy faces.
