Big2 M的论坛贴

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  • #3967

    three things:

    1) I see that in every single one of your sketches, you used a circle like shape in the joints, to connect limbs. I think it is useless, since it's not really helpinng you in anyway, and sometimes it's better to think about the entire limb as one unit, ignoring it's two parts.

    2) connecting to my first point, you seem to try to use a very specific way of simple mannakanization of the human body every single time. even though it's sometimes helpfull to draw the pelvis and the ribcage, I think you are a bit distracted by them. try at least on the one minute or thirty seconds ones, to just find the main directions, or forces the body takes. for example, if a figure is streching it's hand up, that would be an important thing to draw, but if the other hand is facing a little back, and doesn't seem important to the entire pose, you don't necessirily have to include it.

    3) you're drawing reallly small. it might help you to learn how to draw with the overhand grip, rather then the usuall writing one, and then it would be easier to draw with your entire arm (rather then just the palm) so you can draw long, flowy lines. Stan Prokopenko, from the YouTube channel Proko, teaces that really well. look for his video, "how to hold your pencil" you could benefit much from his gesture videos, as well.

    keep practicing!


    hi swen,

    from the gesture drawings you have posted here I assume that you work only from refrence photos, but never live models. what do you think is better, live drawing classes, or drawing from photos? I don't like trying to look for good photos to draw in the internet, because it's so time consuming, but that way, you could find a muuch bigger variety of kinds of models, like poses during action, which is a thing you can't succesfully initate in real life. also, life drawing classes are expanssive, and I don't know that there are many non-nude ones out there, which is my preference.

    if you have some big packet of reference photos you are willing to share, like in a pinterest board, I would like to have them.

    your work is really amaizing, BTW