© 2024 Queenofthecoven
Rita Sañe
Jo crec que té la orella massa amunt, i li falta volum al cap, al costat esquerra principalment.
This is good! I see you started with some guidelines but didn't really follow them. I do the same. That tells me you've probably studied the Loomis method at least a little bit and know the proportions and give yourself the guide to start but end up just drawing what feels right. Not a problem! Because your anatomy looks good so the practice you've done is working. :)
Right now I'd say the back of the head would end at the top of the ear, the jaw typically leads up the the beginning of the ear, and the center line of the cupids bow should be the same centerline as the tip of the nose, so you wouldn't see as much as the far corner of the mouth as you see here.
Also the eyes almost never go all the way to the edge of the face at this angle so bring that in a little bit and show the edge of the face. That far eye is honestly too big. Right now it seems bigger than the closer eye and that should be switched.
Good job so far and good luck!
Right now I'd say the back of the head would end at the top of the ear, the jaw typically leads up the the beginning of the ear, and the center line of the cupids bow should be the same centerline as the tip of the nose, so you wouldn't see as much as the far corner of the mouth as you see here.
Also the eyes almost never go all the way to the edge of the face at this angle so bring that in a little bit and show the edge of the face. That far eye is honestly too big. Right now it seems bigger than the closer eye and that should be switched.
Good job so far and good luck!
Creativity With Tiz
Really nice work!!
For me, it gives of the sense that the model is sad or feeling sympathy for someone. Don't know if that was the objective, but if it is then it's really spot on.
The nose is my favorite part. It's so smooth and delicate and, in my opinion, really fits with the rest of the model's features. I do think that the mouth is a little of centered in relation to the nose, but it doesn't stand out too much. (Maybe i'm just looking at it too much)
For me, it gives of the sense that the model is sad or feeling sympathy for someone. Don't know if that was the objective, but if it is then it's really spot on.
The nose is my favorite part. It's so smooth and delicate and, in my opinion, really fits with the rest of the model's features. I do think that the mouth is a little of centered in relation to the nose, but it doesn't stand out too much. (Maybe i'm just looking at it too much)
Web Moth
The face has a major lack of depth especially around the eye region
hair kinda confuses me a little
I would focus on adding more life and perspective to your faces
hair kinda confuses me a little
I would focus on adding more life and perspective to your faces