Good morning, Matt D48, welcome back. Nicest works on your diversities of forces over forms of your figures. I think that you've got the greatest promise I've seen from anybody, but I extremely feel that these organic lines and shapes still need the most pushing and squashing and stretching to get most of your plasticity of your figural lines. Would you love to go with 66 minutes (1 hour 6) of 2 minute poses with one 5 min break between 30 drawings and the last 3 drawings?
The reason why you would and could be mostly on board with this is because you can, shall, and will be able to make your figure proportions and angles to be the least boring, but the most specific, but the most gutsiest, and furthermore, liveliest.
And if you're really, REALLY inspired with most education and info, look into this vide please:
The reason why you would and could be mostly on board with this is because you can, shall, and will be able to make your figure proportions and angles to be the least boring, but the most specific, but the most gutsiest, and furthermore, liveliest.
And if you're really, REALLY inspired with most education and info, look into this vide please:
Good luck from us to you.