Inktober Day 8

by Jman3, October 9th 2018 © 2018 Jman3
Done as part of a 30 minute class. My current goal is: Better understand human anatomy, so I can render imagined poses I will use Inktober as a way to getting better at drawing human figure and try to get a more consistent drawing schedule by gaining some skill and therefore more pleasure to continue bettering my artistic abilities. I waited a bit to late to start this one and my tiredness shows. Didn't get as far along on most of the figures as I had before. I scribbled my lines a bit instead of a signle smooth line. I like the addition of the rib cage and pelvis shapes to help with porportions (note that the upper arm is a little longer than the ribcage see coments on Inktober Day 5). No critique this time not a good enough representation compared to before. Notes for the final drawing: This time around I didn't get very far. I had trouble getting the skeleton set up correctly but when I fleshed out the form it seemed to come together (not exact to what the original image shows still).
Polyvios Animations
Good afternoon, Jman3. Greatest job on your earliest efforts. Please keep on pushing yourself smartest!