Lion - 3o minute study
© 2020 Marie
I love lions!
Art Wolf 24
I think it's amazing! I love how you didn't add too much detail, and it's very realistic! Keep up the amazing work!
Great work! The modelling of the shadows works really well. The one thing I'd like to see here is a little better indication of what the front legs are doing, if you could focus on how the weight is being held there or how they are placed relative to the ground.
It shows xD
If you want to improve more, you should definitely stufy the anatomy of a lion, skeletal structure, muscles, and you'll be making lions so lifelike it'll pop out of the page :)
Loving the ink work though
If you want to improve more, you should definitely stufy the anatomy of a lion, skeletal structure, muscles, and you'll be making lions so lifelike it'll pop out of the page :)
Loving the ink work though
Polyvios Animations