25 min Body Pose

by Thinkingisart, July 18th 2020 © 2020 Thinkingisart

Done as part of a 1 hour class.

My current goal is to study human anatomy through figure drawing nude models. However, I have a lot of trouble drawing the head with the proper proportions. It either looks too big compared to the body or too unrealistic due to the shape. The black X's are the body parts (head, hands and feet) I had trouble drawing. I'm planning on improving on drawing the hands and feet via this site, however I'm not sure which route I should take in order to draw the head correctly. Any kind of constructive criticism and comment is welcome. Thank you!

Sanne - Site moderator

I think you got a lot in this pose down well! Have you considered that drawing the hands, feet and head were difficult because of the constraints of your canvas? There was never enough room to include them, so you didn't get the opportunity to get them right in the first place.

How about drawing on a larger piece of paper where you give yourself more room so that you only have to focus on the proportions, and not worry about the allotted space?


Sorry for the really late reply! I've been kind of out of it these few weeks.

Your comment is honestly promising! I agree with you on the part that I don't really give myself the necessary space needed to sketch comfortably, and I too find it aggravating mainly because I'm aware that I'm troubled with fitting a sketch into a piece of paper properly. I will try to look into this, however I'm concerned that it might be related to my possible-dyslexia, which makes it harder for me to find the correct ratio between my sketch and the paper. I will try improving myself. Thank you! Good luck with moderating.

Sanne - Site moderator

No worries about your timeliness! :)

It looks like the paper you're drawing on is relatively small as it is, I would probably have a really hard time with it myself! If you're able to obtain A3 or even A2 sized paper, you could very lightly sketch out a simple 'frame' with a lot of allowance around the edges. Your goal would be to try and stick to drawing your gesture inside the frame to help practice with your estimations of the size needed, but the allowance on the outside would also enable you to disregard it when needed and simply draw past it and still capture the correct proportions.

Sometimes, when our brains process things differently, we just need to find a different approach. I've found that giving ourselves a 'Plan B' can do a LOT for our learning process. Think of it like creating accommodations for yourself with your drawing practice!


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