figure 2

by Tx Williep, July 20th 2020 © 2020 Tx Williep
figure drawing from line of action
Hello txWillep!

Upon first looking at your sketch it is pleasing to the eye. The shading helps to portray the light source and positioning of the model, as well as portraying the shapes of the models back. I really like that you have used the shadows to portray these shapes rather than harder lines, as it helps the sketch to look more realistic.

Something else good about your sketch is the proportions, they all look good to me.

Something that I would work on in this sketch would be foreshortening, for example with the legs. To me, the model looks as though they might have been laying down with the feet closest to you, however the legs in your sketch don't portray this as well as they could. At first glance it seems as though the model is stood, with all of their body an equal distance from you, so maybe this is something you could work on.

Overall, this is a nice sketch, thank you for sharing!
Tx Williep
Thank you for taking the time to critique my drawing. I try to select a model that has foreshortening in the presentation. There numerous examples in the photos. I am still working to do my best. Remember: practice makes better.

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