Figure 12
© 2020 Tx Williep
Beautiful sketch! Consider a cast shadow to give it more depth.
Tx Williep
Thank you for your critique of my drawing. If you look at my other drawings, there are no cast shadows. I will consider it in future drawings. For the past 6+ years, I have been attending a local life drawing session. When you are doing a 1", 3", 5" pose, you don't have really any time for niceties.
Again, thanks for the critique.
Again, thanks for the critique.
Hi !!! I would do some proportions! But I really like the way you beat off the shadow! And, by the way, it turned out to be a very lively line!
Tx Williep
Thank you for your critique. I am not sure what you mean when you say, "do some proportions". Your next statement, "you beat off the shadow". Sorry, but I do not understand you are trying to say.