Figure 25

by Tx Williep, August 24th 2020 © 2020 Tx Williep
Life drawing (pen & ink) of a large young lady. (12 min drawing.) I have read that people are concerned as to how to draw such a person. Just like in foreshortening, you draw the shape. It would be better if the artist knows human anatomy.
Halan Lore
I think the foreshortening here is quite good. I do feel like the face/head shape is a little off, I think you might have elongated it to really get the foreshortened feeling across but it comes across as a little strange. I suppose my only advice is to practice foreshortened poses more, but this one is already pretty good.
Tx Williep
Thank you for doing a critique of my drawing. It is a 12 min life drawing. As with most life drawing, you don't have much time to mess around. I actually like doing foreshortened drawings ( check out my other drawings). People were saying they did not know how to draw large people. So I decided to provide this drawing as an example of how it can be handled. Draw the shapes. The young lady has very wide hips.

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