© 2020 Brunowickes
Done as part of a 1 hour class.
My current goal is: I don't know! I am an absolute beginner; I'm here to study the basics of rendering.
Hi, as mentioned above I'm very new to this. Been doing some online learning (udemy) to get a grasp of how to draw figures. I'm learning in a bit of a vacuum so looking for feedback. Currently I'm working primarily to get my forms to flow together and get nice figure lines and lines of action to emphasize the movement and energy. I feel my lines aren't very confident yet.
Working on anatomy slowly to help me understand the muscle structure and how the parts connect.. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks so much.
Sorry! source code accidentally included in above post >_<
Tx Williep
Use the vertical lines to line up whatever vertically. You can use other lines (curved or at an angle) to line up elements. The whole idea is to get things organized to your drawing can be done more easily.
Tx Williep
With the example ([color=#212529; font-family: Raleway, sans-serif; font-size: 16px]The head, elbow, knee, and foot) do you mean lining all these elemets up using vertical strokes or using vertical lines to show the orientation / posistion of these parts individually? Sorry if that is confusing! I will try add in todays sessions to see if i get it right. [/color]