© 2020 Jpmllr89
Tx Williep
Overall, it is a very nice figure. One thing, the legs: The top (at the hip) to the knee and the knee to the ankle are equal. The left-arm looks a little long. You might use vertical and/or horizontal lines to match elements that are in line with one another. Basically you can organize your drawing. A little more time on hands and feet would be nice. All in All, an excellent effort. Let's have more.
looks like the legs could be a little longer (or top half smaller), also try making your lines more continious and flowing, you could even try going back over the lines with a darker pencil or pen to pick out nice smooth curves and contours for pictures you have done that are a bit scratchy
Something like this:
I also feel like maybe you're giving yourself too much time. Instead of spending 5 + minutes on a single drawing, try spend between 30 sec to and 2 minutes on each one. I know 30 seconds seems like a ridiculously short period of time, but remember, you're not trying to draw everything, just the basic shape. I found that when I tried to draw at 30 sec I hardly had time to draw much more than 1 or 2 lines, but the good thing about working so quickly is that if your first 60 drawings suck, you still only spend half an hour on it. Your next 60 drawings will be better.
Also, I'd suggest checking out the Proko figure drawing videos. They explain it all much better than I would.