5 min 10262020

by Sailrgoon, October 27th 2020 © 2020 Sailrgoon
Done as part of a 1 hour class. My current goal is: Reduce stiffness and make my drawings feel more dynamic, energetic, fluid
Polyvios Animations
That is absolutely marvelous job on your figures, sailrgoon, that is totally awesome. At first, I am feeling a little bit of rigidity in the body, in the way you draw them. If you're curious about gestural sketching, look into this, and this. And do you know why?? Because you'll get a much more most bestest idea on how to draw bodies and poses, particularly on the manikin section, in the first book I've shown you in the clicking link.

Hope it's been completely and definitely contributive.

Take more and more care.
Thank you Polyvios!

This was my first jump in after several years of halting previous art attempts and I realize that I need to practice flow versus contours. Been watching a few videos on youtube to get a better understanding of the body and practicing some exaggeration :)

I do have Fun with a Pencil, so I will definitely give that a read through more throughly.

I appreciate your kind words and critque!

Tx Williep
Very nice figures. Overall they look just fine. The left lower leg on the figure near to the viewer is a bit too short. Upper and lower legs are equal in length unless they are seen foreshortened. You still need to work on hands and feet. You might want to check out On Air Video as a source for models (free) not timed. You need to practice figures in many different body arrangements.

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