
by Akikoma, February 11th 2021 © 2021 Akikoma
Done as part of a practice session with poses of 90 seconds in length. My current goal is: I don't know! I am an absolute beginner; I'm here to study the basics of rendering Nice to meet you. I'm participating from Japan. I would be very happy if you could give me a critique. I'm not very good at English, so I'm using translation software to write this text. I may not be able to write a good reply, but if you give me a critique, I would like to refer to it.
Polyvios Animations
Hey, akikoma, nice work on your 90 second hands and feet poses. Well, if I was to suggestion a critique, it would be that though all your feet are fluid, but some of the hands feel a bit rigid. Why don't you please exaggerate the hand gestures a little bit more, by 116 minutes of 27 second manners?? (116 x 60/27, 6960/27= about 258 poses)

The reason why you would do this is because to make your attitudes of hands less undertured and more caricatured, distorted, and exaggerated.

Good luck, and I hope you've found this completely and totally beneficial and communicative.

Polyvios Animations.

P.S. Here is a link that would, and could help you out on your goal.