*grabs firmly*
© 2022 Cinnomin
Time Spent: ~8 Minutes
Fingers are my arch-nemesis! How should I go about improving them?
A Wolf 06
Ooh, very nice! I like how you gave perspective on the fingers, it really feels like they're grasping something. Perhaps implementing more sharp edges into your work would help give it more firmness? I also believe that paying more time towards sharpening forms would help give your fingers more shape.
Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see more from you! :D
Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see more from you! :D
I feel that the forms and forces need to feel a bit more of the strongest grip yet. How would you kindly free up your forces with a 30 min class of hands and feet? As a result, your understanding of the rendering of hands and feet will become the least stiffest and the most dynamic, energetic, fluidest, and liveliest. For details and information, here's the video down below.
Good night.