22 aug 2022
© 2022 Brilicol
10 min
Nex Is Lazy
I LOVE THIS! The sketchy lines with the colours and dynamics are hands down increadible, however, the glitter might have been a bit excessive, and in my honest opinion make the readibility, which because of the already high contrast colours against the white background, it makes reading the character's actions and figure very hard and really creates too much to focus on. Next time try to keep it a bit more simple, and it'll really pop! Keep up the amazing work!
Hi!! Thank you for taking the time to critique! So I'm actually using gel pens with glitter in them haha. It did seem to come out strong with this one for some reason, but I'll keep that in mind for the future! I was happy with the way this one came out as well. But I agree it's kind of difficult to read some parts. Thank you again!