Using pen instead of pencil or conte in an attempt to make myself commit to the drawing from the beginning. Would love advice on how to do quick, fluid pen shading in these kinds of drawings.
Hello again, Strawberry, good evening. I'm Polyvios, again. I'm doing my totally finest. How are you?
So, I say that your forms, shapes, and edges, and spaces in your figures. I love the most natural of sensibilities of cartooning and caricatures. Greatest uses of subtlest and broadest assymetries. Therefore, there is way too many scratchiest lines, but they are not the clearest enough yet. Would you like to please just do 31 more minutes of 30 second pose exercises?(on 18" x 24" or 24" x 36" newsprint pad)
The logical case for this most constructive request is because you can, shall, must, and will be able to get the speed, accuracy, and satire all working in tandem to each other, while not being too precious with them. So, for even most details, please look into any of the Betty Edwards drawing on the right side of brain books if you really don't own it already.
So, I say that your forms, shapes, and edges, and spaces in your figures. I love the most natural of sensibilities of cartooning and caricatures. Greatest uses of subtlest and broadest assymetries. Therefore, there is way too many scratchiest lines, but they are not the clearest enough yet. Would you like to please just do 31 more minutes of 30 second pose exercises?(on 18" x 24" or 24" x 36" newsprint pad)
The logical case for this most constructive request is because you can, shall, must, and will be able to get the speed, accuracy, and satire all working in tandem to each other, while not being too precious with them. So, for even most details, please look into any of the Betty Edwards drawing on the right side of brain books if you really don't own it already.
Let's hope they've been specific.