
by Vybluong22, May 12th 2023 © 2023 Vybluong22
Polyvios Animations
Mostly fantastic job on your gestures, gestalts, and edges of your figure structures, but the forces could use to make the most extremes, so how would you like to please free up your shoulders and elbows with 3 hours of 28 second attitudes and gestures, using only our custom timer?

The reason is as a result is to make your lines and more linear gestures less weaker and more stronger, fluider, but livelier, yet vital furthermore energetic like a Ward Kimball Disney Animation. For more of what you know of what I mean, please check out some artwork by Ward Kimball online at Andreas Deja's blog here.

Good luck to you and have more fun with your learning curve.
The woman in the lower right corner is skillfully drawn. You have captured the moment beautifully. The woman in the lower left corner seems to have too long legs and fingers.

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