© 2024 Jagvalverde
Done as part of a 1 hour class.
My current goal is: I don't know! I am an absolute beginner; I'm here to study the basics of rendering
Hey, for a beginner, you have worked on your shadings, and we can see the shapes of the body, a cast shadow on the belly.
If you want some advice on the next steps:
- Proportions ( Seems like legs are the same than torso + pelvis, which can happen in nature, but the common average would be "torso + pelvis + head = legs"
- Anatomy : the articulations are sometimes not where it should (knees maybe be a bit off; heels + ankles are not here or misplaced)
Recommandation to keep your improvements up: Learn a basic skeleton to place everything on the right spot anytime :)
Keep practicing, this is a great start !
If you want some advice on the next steps:
- Proportions ( Seems like legs are the same than torso + pelvis, which can happen in nature, but the common average would be "torso + pelvis + head = legs"
- Anatomy : the articulations are sometimes not where it should (knees maybe be a bit off; heels + ankles are not here or misplaced)
Recommandation to keep your improvements up: Learn a basic skeleton to place everything on the right spot anytime :)
Keep practicing, this is a great start !
Take note. I will work harder on anatomy, which is the point that I think I can improve on this platform with the sessions.
Thank you very much for your comment!
Thank you very much for your comment!
As a result, so that you can and will be drawing less stiffer, and more dynamic, energetic, but fluider. For most details, kindly look into the Nikolaides book, The Natural Way to Draw, on Amazon or free PDF.
Good luck from me.
I am very embarrassed to share these works because I do not consider them finished and receiving opinions like yours helps me understand why they should be shared. I will continue practicing the short posing sessions.
I don't like the book you're telling me about, I just bought it =)