Red bell pepper

by Rashuneagle, June 17th 2024 © 2024 Rashuneagle

20 min red bell pepper still life

Polyvios Animations

Hello and welcome back, Rashuneagle, and how are you doing this morning? Nicer job on your finer range of tones and textures, forms, spaces, shapes, and lines in your red bell pepper, but however, I'm not getting enough of your more exaggerated and caricatured organic shapes and forms yet. Would you like to please just loosen youself up with 122 minutes of 2 minute still life sketches, including sketches of vegetables? (61 drawings, all flipped vertically, but then flipped horizontally)

The logic behind all of this is because, your still live drawings can and will become less blander and less boring to do, but all the more appealing, attractive, but more spontaneous. For more details, kinldy look into the Shamus Culhane book on quick sketching for drawing. My hat's off to you.


Good afternoon,

Something you can do to start improving your still life drawings is to ground them. What I mean is to literally draw what they are sitting on as well. Primarily with the cast shadow (the shadow the bell pepper creates) This will help with several things to give a more realistic appearance. As you continue with still life drawings you want to eventually have the contour line essentally dissapear. I personally found the first step of that to be creating the cast shadow and seeing how the tones met on the surface the object was sitting on.

The other thing is that half of a still life is seeing what you need to draw. You are doing a great job with that so far. Don't be afraid to take a min to really look at what you are drawing before you actually put pencil to paper. I can see that you took time to really idenify those dark shadow areas and the highlights where the light is most concentrated. Keep working on it and you will keep improving.

Hope you have a great day!


The contrast between shadows and bright faces is not great.You can try drawing shadows with a darker pen.

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