a practice just use line
© 2024 Sprout
I'm trying to improve at correctly capturing the overall proportions of the human form.I tried to use simple graphics as draft,then finish it.Then correct it use red line.And draw this picture again.My question is , I'm not sure this way can reach my goal correctly.Maybe I should use soft line and try to draw these muscle structure clearly?or maybe I can use tough line like this to practice my generalization ability and learn the outline of body?Thanks to your read and teach.
Beautiful work! You’re doing really well with the proportions, as well as with complex anatomy like the hands, and your linework is nice, simple, and clean.
One area where I see room for improvement is that you're focusing heavily on contour (which, of course, comes naturally with the tool you’re using). This can make your drawings appear flatter than they need to be. I suggest looking for natural cross-contour lines in the models you draw to help guide the viewer’s eyes through plane changes. I did a quick draw-over of your work to better illustrate this point. https://imgur.com/a/9RK1KzY I also recommend studying masters of inking like Möbius or Kim Jung Gi to see how they applied this technique to create depth using just line.
Regarding your question about whether your training method is effective, I’d say it depends on your goals. In my personal experience, the harsher the tool (e.g., using a black marker instead of a soft pencil, or hard edges versus smooth transitions), the greater the learning effect, as it makes it much easier to spot what works and what doesn’t. It’s also more frustrating! :) So I think it’s great that you’re challenging yourself with such an unforgiving tool. Beyond that, it really depends on the style you prefer and where you want to take your art. Whether you lean toward the blocky style of Mike Mignola or the buttery smoothness of Christophe Young, it’s simply a matter of personal taste.
Hope this helps! Keep up the great work, and happy drawing!