Hello and good afternoon, Nesquikoyomilk, and welcome. How are you doing today? You know, despite seeing your figure drawings rotated in the wrong orientation, I think you're doing a greater job on your constructions, lines of action, and of course, the vigor in your gestures. Keep up the great work.
However, if you really want some more constructive criticism, I think that these figures don't look too recognizable, but their line quality and flow of the poses seem too rigider to me yet. Therefore, please be more concrete on photographing your figure sketches, like for example, when your figures are in the landscape format, you photograph them as so, but when in portrait, you shoot in portrait, but while you're at it, please
loosen yourself up with 5 minutes of 30 second poses with either elbow and shoulder.
The real argument behind these two suggestions is because, your figure sketches and any sketches can and will become more recognizable to the average art peer, but, your lines of action can and will and must become less rigider and less stilted, but more gutsier, bolder, and more energetic in terms of your expression and exaggerations. So, for more info and tricks, please pick up a free PDF of
The Walt Stanchfield Series, Drawn to Life, on
Let's hope they've helped and supported you for the better.