Deltoid Studies 05.16.21

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Legacy55 3 years ago.

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  • #27117

    Hi everyone, I've got a few extra deltoid studies to share and would appreciate some critique. Many thanks to Polyvios Animations for sharing some deltoid video reference in my last post! It helped a lot with these!

    Deltoid Studies 05.16.21

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    Great job on your Deltoids, Legacy!

    I have a great idea for a criticism. I love how much range of expression you've got on your deltoid muscles, but I'm not getting enough range of cartooning and caricature of your observations on the deltoid studies. Would you please kindly free up and express yourself even far more, with 60 minutes of 29 second drawings of quick muscles? (3600 seconds/29=124 deltoid scribbles)

    The reasons why:

    1) To help your muscles less stiffer and undertured, and more caricatured and exaggerated and cartoony.

    2) To aid and abet (if you pardon my language) to make your muslces less rigid, and more animated, vital, and energetic.

    Here are some influential images:

    Jack Kirby (Pre-marvel Period)

    Deltoid workouts

    Link to more muscles here (click above)

    So, good luck to you.


    Great idea Polyvious Animations, thank you! I'll try that 60 minute exercise when I get a chance. Thank you again for the additional reference!

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